One of the most amazing adventures a young adult can experience is traveling through unknown countries, carrying their luggage on their back. And backpacking Greek islands might be the best possible route to choose for this incredible journey. So here is a guide on how to experience the beauty of Greece the right way.

Why Is Backpacking Such a Popular Way of Travel and How Does It Work?

These days younger people have created a new trend when it comes to traveling – backpacking their way through foreign countries. The key is that you can carry what fits into your backpack, which you carry with you wherever you go. It’s an excellent adventure where you get to explore new places while carrying everything you need on your back. Many people choose to go alone, but this is also a great adventure to have with your friends as well.

Backpacking Is Great for Young People Who Want to Travel on a Budget

One of the main reasons why most young adults that get the travel bug choose to backpack through new places is the fact that it requires less money than regular ways of travel. It’s perfect for traveling on a budget, but don’t expect to be living in luxury. The whole point of this experience is to spread your budget as far as possible by staying in cheap hostels, sharing bedrooms and bathrooms, and eating street food.

You Can Visit and Stay in Many Different Places – The Next Day, You’re Off to a New Destination

The best thing about traveling this way is that you can visit many places during your journey – that’s the point – get to see as many new countries and cities as possible. Spend only a day or so in one spot, and then move on to the next destination. You can either have everything planned out in detail, or you could just go with the flow and go where the journey takes you.

The Best Part Is That You Have the Complete Freedom to Do Whatever You Want

During this adventure, you will not only discover new places, but you will also broaden your horizons and knowledge by getting to know new cultures – you will try new food, learn new languages, and experience new things.

You will have complete freedom to make your own travel decisions, as you’re not bound by plane tickets, hotels, or any rules or restrictions. It’s a great opportunity to build confidence and character, because as everyone knows – travel enriches your life.

A man backpacking in water

You will learn and grow a lot if you decide to backpack through new countries

Backpacking Greek Islands Is One of the Best Ways to Visit and Explore Greece

If you like to travel, then Greece must be on top of your list of summer destinations you want to visit, specifically the gorgeous Greek islands. They’re the most popular destinations when it comes to summer vacations, and they’re also great for backpacking.

Just think of all the delicious Greek food you will eat, the amazing beaches, and all the beautiful attractions, architecture, and historical sites you will get to see. The ideal time to go on this adventure is September when the season is coming to an end, it’s not as crowded, and the prices are lower, but the weather is still good.

Start Your Greek Islands Backpacking Adventure by Figuring Out Which Places in Greece You Want to Visit the Most

For starters, you need to make a travel plan. Do some research and figure out what are some of the places you want to visit. Start by deciding which island group you want to focus on – the Cyclades, Crete, or Ionian islands.

The Cyclades are by far the most popular route, they’re gorgeous and ideal for traveling around with just a backpack. There are over 200 islands in the Cycladic group, and you can visit all the most important ones in just 10 days:

  • Mykonos,
  • Santorini,
  • Naxos,
  • Paros,
  • Ios,
  • Rhenia,
  • Delos.

Start in Athens, and Go From There

The beginning of your adventure will most likely be in Athens, where your plane will land. There are many low-cost airlines that fly to Athens, so finding an affordable flight shouldn’t be a problem. From there, you can either choose a local flight to your first stop, or you can choose the more budget-friendly option of taking the ferry.

Ferries Will Be Your Best Friends

If you want to backpack through the Cyclades successfully, ferry boats will be your best friends. In Greece, they are a very popular way of transportation, and there are daily local lines going to all places nearby. Just do a bit of research or ask some locals, buy your ticket, and travel around the Aegean Sea without a care in the world.

When it comes to transportation, once you get to the island, you could go the classic route and take the bus, but since you don’t have much time in each place, it might be best to rent a car so you can explore each island thoroughly.

First Stop – The Island of the Winds

The very first stop on your journey will be the gorgeous Island of the Winds. This is one of the smaller Cyclades, but it’s one of the most popular places not only in Greece but in the world. Mykonos is known for its beauty and the classic white and blue Cycladic architecture, but it’s also known as a party island.

Many celebrities have been spotted partying in some of the best clubs and stylish luxury villas in Mykonos, so a good time is guaranteed. If there is one place you should splurge on during your adventure – it’s The Island of the Winds. Spend your nights out on the town, experiencing the nightlife, and your days chilling at a gorgeous beach, or go on a Mykonos yacht rental and experience the lifestyle this island offers.

Three days are just enough time to explore the beauty of Mykonos, and you can take a private boat trip to the neighboring islets of Rhenia and Delos. The entire trip will only take about four or five hours, and it’s well worth it.

View of Mykonos

Spend the most time exploring The Island of the Winds

Move on to Naxos and Paros

The next stops on your travel itinerary are the gorgeous islands of Naxos and Paros. If you take the high-speed ferry, it only takes about 40 minutes to get to Naxos from Mykonos. Naxos will be a lovely change of pace, as it’s known for its beautiful nature and landscape. You can go hiking on mountain Zas, reach the highest point of the Cyclades, and enjoy the sunset and the views.

The next day, you can move on to the island of Paros. It’s one of the most beautiful places you will see, as it is known as a cheaper version of Mykonos, so it’s perfect for backpackers. The trip from Naxos to Paros shouldn’t take more than half an hour, and two days are enough for these two beautiful places.

Ios Is the Last Stop Before Finishing Your Trip on Santorini

Before heading to the magical island of Santorini, you should make a day stop on Ios. It’s only an hour away from Paros if you take the high-speed ferry, and it’s worth a stop if you’re in the mood to party before spending three days walking around Santorini, admiring its beauty.

Three days in Santorini is just enough to experience the picturesque island in all its glory, and then you have two options – either let your journey come to an end or take a ferry to Crete and continue the adventure if you have any money left.

View of Santorini

Spend three days at your last stop – Santorini, a true gem among the Cyclades

You Don’t Need Many Things When Backpacking the Greek Islands, But You Need Good Accommodation

Even though backpacking is supposed to be an adventure where you stay wherever and spend as little money as possible, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to treat yourself to amazing accommodation at least once. Why not stay in a luxury Mykonos villa rental instead of a hostel? When you visit Mykonos, you deserve to do it in style, so contact The Ace VIP and book one of the Mykonos luxury villas.

They are well worth it, and they will be one of the best memories from your trip. Each one of the Mykonos villas for rental comes with a Mykonos concierge that will gladly help you with any request you may have. Private villas in Mykonos are also equipped with all the amenities one could ever need, so they’re the perfect place to stay in Mykonos before continuing your journey across Greece.