Are you curious about the weather in Mykonos in March and wonder if traveling during this period is a good idea? Mykonos is always a good idea, but these are some things you should take into consideration if you’re about to reveal the perks of traveling during the off-season. Keep reading to find all the information about the climate of this area and get ready for your trip.

What’s the Temperature Like During March and What to Expect?

The period from March to April is a short spring time, and you got to love the spring weather. During this time, the sun shines for an incredible 9 hours per day on average, and it doesn’t set until 7.30 p.m. If you’re worried about the rain, there are usually only 7 to 8 days with showers per month – estimated rainfall is about 62mm. The UV radiation level during the period is also low, so you don’t need to bother applying loads of sunscreen and other products. The sea temperature is usually about 15°C (60°F).

Average Daily Temperature in March in Mykonos, Greece

The average daytime temperature is 15°C (59°F), and if you’re in the sunlight, it feels even warmer – you can comfortably walk in short sleeves during the day, in case you wonder what to wear. In the evening, the temperature drops to about 10°C (50°F), which is still comfortable enough, but you should have a hoodie or a light jacket with you.

Thermometer under the sun for weather in mykonos in march

Even during the off season, the temperature here is comfortable, so there is nothing you should worry about – a light jacket will be enough to keep you warm

Weather in Mykonos in March Might Be Good for All Sorts of Activities

Even though this period doesn’t represent the peak of the party season, you can still enjoy various things to do around the island. For example, you can hike and explore amazing natural beauties while enjoying breathtaking views. You can also try out some Greek specialties at traditional tavernas or visit some popular tourist destinations such as:

  • Paraportiani Church,
  • Little Venice,
  • Windmills.
Little Venice

You can use the absence of crowds to enjoy the beauty of this place in peace

Summer Season Might Be Overcrowded, so This Period Is Better for People Who Want to Avoid the Crowd

This place is known as one of the most popular party destinations in the world, and the peak of the party season is during summer, during the months of July and August. Considering the fact that the island is relatively small (33 square miles), it’s no wonder that it often gets overcrowded when the season is in full swing. Mykonos weather in March is overall pleasant, so it shouldn’t stop you from visiting.

It Will Be Much Cheaper to Visit Mykonos in March, and the Weather Will Still Be Pleasant

Higher interest means more tourists in one small place, and more tourists lead to higher accommodation prices. This is one of the downsides of visiting Mykonos during the summer. Prices often get unreasonably high, so if you’re traveling on a budget, visiting during March or some other month that is less busy might be a good idea.

Clear road

Traveling during this period might be good for your budget

Seasons Don’t Change Rapidly on This Island and Summer Is the Longest One

Luckily for everyone, this paradise on earth has a relatively mild climate, meaning that the weather is almost always nice and pleasant. Sure there are some periods with slightly worse or better conditions, but still, this doesn’t mean that you can’t visit it during spring, fall, or even winter. The summer season actually stretches all the way from April to late October, when the island slowly goes to its winter sleep.

This Island Has Mediterranean Climate and Doesn’t Experience Heavy Rainfall

This is a small Greek island in a group of Cyclades positioned in the Mediterranean sea, so the climate here is the Mediterranean. This means it is mild with rainy winters and long, warm and sunny summers. Rain is typical for the Mediterranean climate, but most rainy days are concentrated from October to March.

Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 100 3.9 10
February 70 2.8 8
March 60 2.4 7
April 25 1 5
May 15 0.6 3
June 4 0.2 1
July 2 0.1 0
August 2 0.1 0
September 10 0.4 2
October 45 1.8 5
November 65 2.6 6
December 100 3.9 10
Year 500 19.6 57

This Place in Greece Is Very Windy

One of the main characteristics of this island is that it is very windy, no matter the season, that is why it is called The Island of the Winds. The strong wind that almost constantly blows makes it less warm during the summer than other Greek islands, which is actually quite comfortable. Northern winds called “meltemia” blow in all the Cyclades, and the average speed measured at Mykonos Town is about 16.8 mph. The windiest month around here is August, so during March, it isn’t that strong, and it shouldn’t bother you.

Mykonos windmills

Windmills are here because of the strong wind that always blows in this area

Rent One of the Best Mykonos Villas on the Island at an Affordable Price and Enjoy Your Well-Deserved Rest

One of the best ways to ensure you’ll have a comfortable vacation is to rent a luxury Mykonos villa. When you’re staying in one of the best private villas in Mykonos, no weather conditions or drops of rain can ruin your experience. Book your accommodation on time and enjoy the many charms this place has to offer.